Class MiniMapEmitter<T>

Type Parameters

  • T




[toStringTag]: string
_callbacks: MiniEmitterCallback<T>[] = []
size: number


the number of elements in the Map.

[species]: MapConstructor


  • Returns an iterable of entries in the map.

    Returns IterableIterator<[string, T]>

  • Returns void

  • Returns

    true if an element in the Map existed and has been removed, or false if the element does not exist.


    • key: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns an iterable of key, value pairs for every entry in the map.

    Returns IterableIterator<[string, T]>

  • Runs all of the callbacks for this emitter. (meant to run when an update occurs)


    • Optional updated: T[]

      The objects that caused this update.

    Returns void

  • Executes a provided function once per each key/value pair in the Map, in insertion order.


    • callbackfn: ((value: T, key: string, map: Map<string, T>) => void)
        • (value: T, key: string, map: Map<string, T>): void
        • Parameters

          • value: T
          • key: string
          • map: Map<string, T>

          Returns void

    • Optional thisArg: any

    Returns void

  • Returns a specified element from the Map object. If the value that is associated to the provided key is an object, then you will get a reference to that object and any change made to that object will effectively modify it inside the Map.


    Returns the element associated with the specified key. If no element is associated with the specified key, undefined is returned.


    • key: string

    Returns T

  • Returns

    boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key exists or not.


    • key: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns an iterable of keys in the map

    Returns IterableIterator<string>

  • Adds a new element with a specified key and value to the Map. If an element with the same key already exists, the element will be updated.


    • key: string
    • value: T

    Returns MiniMapEmitter<T>

  • Returns an iterable of values in the map

    Returns IterableIterator<T>