Assign roles to members below their ranking
Ban other members below their ranking
Change own avatar
Change own nickname
Connect to a voice channel
Deafen other members with lower ranking in a voice call
Safely grant all permissions
Create invites to this channel
Kick other members below their ranking
Manage the channel or channels on the server
Manage server customisation (includes emoji)
Delete messages in a channel
Change or remove other's nicknames below their ranking
Manage permissions on servers or channels
Manage roles on server
Manage the server
Manage webhook entries on a channel
Masquerade messages using custom nickname and avatar
Move members between voice channels
Mute other members with lower ranking in a voice call
React to messages with emoji
Read a channel's past message history
Remove other's avatars below their ranking
Send embedded content in this channel
Send a message in a channel
Speak in a voice call
Timeout other members below their ranking
Send attachments and media in this channel
Share video in a voice call
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Permissions against servers/channels.